A quiet flat ride waiting the Brennero

Rovereto-Bolzano is just in the middle between two mountain passages, Pian delle Fugazze and the Brennero.

What better aim  for the day than a quiet ride to recover some  energy in preparation for  the following uphill ride on the Alps?

The group starting in front of the railway station of Rovereto was very small.

In addition to Daniele and Claudio there was this time only Giulio Cavinato, who joined the two climate riders in Vicenza and decided to ride with us until Innsbruck.

The bicycle path from Rovereto to Bolzano is beautiful and let us ride close to the Adige river between vines and apple fields.

It’s easy to describe how the ride proceed during the day.

A long pleasant chat between the ride protagonists, with Daniele trying to maintain a very slow speed to save all the possible energy for the following day, while Claudio and Giulio were continuously increasing it to arrive in Bolzano as soon as possible… :-)

The only thing to remark happened at the bike bar before arriving in Trento. If you have time to ride there today, you may ask for  the two water bottles that Claudio has left there for you. Remember that they are available free of charge!

We arrived quiet soon in Bolzano, having the time to prepare the daily broadcast connection with Prometeo tv, where Serena Giacomin informed us that some rain is waiting for us just over the Austrian border.

But there is not time to stop and think about it, because  Bolzano welcome group is waiting for us in the Parco delle Semirurali to  move together to  EURAC  main offices for the evening event.


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