Category: Riding with us


ADFC Leipzig

  The ADFC Leipzig is an non-profit organisation for cyclists. It is committed to a permanent improvement of cycling conditions, transport climate and cycling culture. To promote cycling and environmentally friendly transport we work...

argus x sito


Radlobby Österreich is the federation of all Austrian bicycle advocacy associations and was founded in January 2013 in Salzburg. Associations: ARGUS, ARGUS Steiermark, Initiative Fahrrad OÖ, Radlobby.IGF, Radlobby NÖ and Veloclub Salzburg. In Austria...

Pedale Veneziano

S.C. Pedale Veneziano

Pedale Veneziano 1913 is the only cycling club in the old town centre of Venice and promotes passion for cycling, not so much from the competitive point of view, but also as a way...