Author: Daniele Pernigotti
ADFC Leipzig
The ADFC Leipzig is an non-profit organisation for cyclists. It is committed to a permanent improvement of cycling conditions, transport climate and cycling culture. To promote cycling and environmentally friendly transport we work...
Radlobby Österreich is the federation of all Austrian bicycle advocacy associations and was founded in January 2013 in Salzburg. Associations: ARGUS, ARGUS Steiermark, Initiative Fahrrad OÖ, Radlobby.IGF, Radlobby NÖ and Veloclub Salzburg. In Austria...
Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare
The Italian Environmental Ministry (MATTM) is giving the patronage to our project. We are very glad of the attention given to our initiative, in particular during Italian semester of guide to the European Union
Città di Venezia
The City of Venice promotes and plans , according to the principles of democracy, participation, transparency and solidarity, the quality of life for its citizens and guests. Within its own functions, it manages and...
Stadt Nürnberg
The City of Nuremberg has established a long term road map for climate protection until 2050 that includes over 160 concrete activities und projects that will help to achieve the climate objectives. Among these...